Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Of Princesses and warriors

While I was engrossed, stitching away my new Princess line of bows , my inquisitive son palmed all the princesses I had strewn on the bed.

Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty ,Belle ,Ariel, Cinderella , Tiana and Mulan.

He broke into a smile as he triumphantly announced singling out Mulan.."this one is a warrior..did you know that mummy?I am sure all the mummies will be buying her.She fought with all the men in the cartoon."

That set me thinking though, thinking real hard.

A princess Vs A warrior.

Sinkingly coming in terms with reality.

Every girl dreams of being a princess and every mum reinforces these dreams.
Beauty and a good heart epitomizes these fairy tales princesses.A princess is sweet(almost sickly sweet?You decide) and in almost all the cases a giver with a forgiving nature.

How is that relevant in today's harsh world?

Do I want my naive daughter waiting fruitlessly for her chance with a shinning knight in armor?

 I am going to make my daughter a bow.
She will have the warrior.I can hope she will emulate this strong woman.That she will fight all her battles.Cross the finishing lines.All on her own.No waiting for a fictitious prince ridiculously riding a horse.
That is not to say that I am dissing all these lovely princesses.

Never hurts to dream.

Being a mum however I am gonna toss a lipstick in that bag of armors because hey, doesn't hurt to look good in a fight.