Sunday, March 13, 2011

Trust in me

Been really busy with stuff to blog these past few weeks.
Was however quite upset when I read about what some fellow on line sellers encountered.Missing Buyers!!
They  are fondly (not!!)known as Dead beat buyers!! or MIA buyers.

They are the very people who  place orders promising to pay when the goods arrive and then they do the amazing disappearing act.Might just put that old David Copperfield to shame!!

 Some might chalk this down to the naive seller who took that leap and decided to trust the buyer.

After all are we not all taught not to trust easily?That trust needs to be earned ?and even so it  is not  better to just stick to your guns?

I am one of those who love to trust.Have I been burnt before?Yes.Do I continue to trust?Hell Ya! 

I love sending out my stuff with the trust that I would certainly get paid in due time.Love working on an unpaid order that I trust will get paid sooner or later.Love working on my stuff that I know that someone else would love!
Has anyone run off with my order you might be wondering?Never.

On the other hand I did come across some disappointing buyers who would place orders and I with my trust will work on them right away so that I can send them out the next day.And then poof!!They disappear.Not a word..not a sound..they are  gone!!No apologies..

That gets really hurtful.All those empty promises and my hard work down the drain.

Do I get mad?For sure.
Do I continue to trust?YES

What is the world without trust really?
Then I ponder who are these other people who purposely put through others through ordeals like this with their deceit.

Was it a compelling reason?

I guess we are never going to get these answers because these people have vanished.Vanished with many of a seller's trust.What are these people like in their daily lives?Pretty much the same if you ask me.
Lying and false promises can become a bad habit to kick.These could be parents,moulders of the new generation*shudder*.

Lesson of the day

 If you cannot fulfill a promise have the decency to at least inform.That's the most basic form of courtesy.
At the end of it all you do reap what you sow.

Lets all make this world a better place to live in.There area already things beyond our control like natural disasters that are causing so much pain n turmoil in this world.Let us control what we can..ourselves!You are the boss of yourself.

Spread the love,cheer and trust around!That much we can all do!!

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